The benefits of underfloor heating


Underfloor heating has long since been seen as a luxury addition to a property but has become more and more mainstream over the past few years as installation prices have fallen and the numerous benefits of such a system become clear.

When it comes to keeping your home warm evenly across the entire property there are few more effective options than underfloor heating which can be combined with almost any form of home heating system.

Gas boilers and underfloor heating work particularly well together and are the set-up of choice for thousands of savvy property owners across the UK.

In this article we will discuss just some of the biggest advantages to this winning combination and why, if you already have a gas boiler in place, you should be considering adding underfloor heating into your heating system.

Underfloor heating

Even heat

Why have your heat coming solely from one part of your wall, a radiator, instead of rising evenly from the floor itself. Underfloor heating provides an even spread of heat unparalleled by any traditional heating system.

There will be no more cold spots or chilly corners in your home with an underfloor heating system that distributes heat evenly across your entire property.

Impressive energy efficiency

Gas boilers are world renowned for their exceptional energy efficiency and adding underfloor heating into the mix only increases this further.

Underfloor heating plus a gas boiler allows you to keep your home comfortable and warm even with the thermostat set at a lower temperature than you are used to. This will help you to save money on your energy bills each month and to reduce the size of your carbon footprint.

Faster heating times

There is nothing worse than sitting around in the freezing cold after coming home from a long day at work whilst you wait for your home to heat up.

With underfloor heating, this is a thing of the past. Underfloor heating heats up a space far faster than traditional radiators thanks to the even distribution that we mentioned earlier. Rapid warmth at the touch of a button. You’ll soon be wondering how you ever possibly lived without it.


Underfloor heating systems are invisible from above, making them far more aesthetically pleasing than a bulky radiator sticking out of your wall. This is not only beneficial for your eyes, but also a practical benefit, saving space and maximising your living area.

You also won’t have to worry about having furniture too close to your radiator any longer and can design the entire of your home however you may wish.

Health benefits

Radiators often circulate dust and allergens as they send warm air into your home. Ground up heating eliminates this issue, making it a healthier and more allergy friendly option.

If you have any questions about underfloor heating, or are having any issues with your existing home heating system, get in touch today. We are experts in resolving issues such as no hot water, boiler leaks, low boiler pressure and more.
